What is Character Bloat?


Hi Guys I’m new,

I stumble this term “Character Bloat” when I learned that Furnace, a character from the Starved Sonic Creepypasta, was removed cuz “Character Bloat” and I don’t know what it means. I searched it, still don’t know it. I ask in Quora, still no answers. So, yeah, hope I get the answer so I can now sleep.


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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“**Character bloat**”, as a specific term, isn’t really defined because it’s an adaptation of “**feature bloat**”, which exists when software [or some other tool] is expanded (by “feature creep”) to perform a vast number of tasks, such that the original intended usefulness of the thing is impaired.

In software, feature bloat can be observed through a variety of symptoms, such as:

* an inconveniently large filesize,
* a cluttered/confusing interface,
* longer loading/processing times,
* less developer attention given to keeping each feature working, or
* all of the above.

So “character bloat” is a way of expressing that the character’s presence was distracting from the rest of the story, without adding enough value for the author to continue using them. The author prefers to focus on existing characters, so as not to have their work become extremely long and confusing with too many people to keep track of.

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