What is “codependency” or a “codependent relationship” and how is it different or unhealthier than normal human relations where we depend on each other to survive?


What is “codependency” or a “codependent relationship” and how is it different or unhealthier than normal human relations where we depend on each other to survive?

In: 278

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My personal definition, fwiw, is when both parties are so emotionally dependent upon each other that they’re willing to overlook the fact that the relationship is generally unhealthy, and not making either of them happy. Basically just a reflection of the fact they’re not able to function independently.

I know that’s not the proper/official/formal definition, just how I see it, and how it’s probably most often used today.

Others may take it a step further, and use it to refer to any couple that really prefers to be with each other all the time, vs. apart. Even though they’re very happy as a result.

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