What is CPU hyperthreading/multithreading and how does it benefit me?


What is CPU hyperthreading/multithreading and how does it benefit me?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of time and effort have gone into making CPUs faster by executing instructions in a different order than the program specifies. This is advantageous because different instructions use different parts of the CPU to execute them and they take different amounts of time to run. By reordering instructions and even running some at the same time (if they don’t collide within the CPU) you could improve performance.

At some point the decision was made that these features could be tweaked to let a single CPU run like a dual core CPU, or back in the old days a motherboard with 2 CPUs on it. The downside is that not everything in the core, like the math unit, is duplicated – while the two threads can take turns using it, if they both want it at the same time one thread has to wait just like in the instruction reordering scenario. However in the grand scheme of things it still usually adds up to the CPU doing more work since more parts of it are in use at a time. A CPU doing more work finishes its work faster, etc. That’s good.

Enabling hyperthreading isn’t quite the same as a CPU with double the number of cores, but compared to hyperthreading off when the CPU is running at maximum power you can get most of a doubling of work done. Of course, the usual rules of many CPU cores still applies… If a program can only use 4 cores and you have a 4 core (8 threads) CPU, enabling hyperthreading won’t speed it up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a CPU having roads. Each core is simply a 1 way road with constant traffic.

For example, we have a 4 core CPU so 4 single lane roads for traffic to travel down. The more cores you have, the faster the cars can keep moving. Now add hyperthreading to those cores (roads) your roads turn into two way roads, so now we have 8 lanes of traffic. This increases throughput of traffic!

In the very simplest of explanations, it helps you do things quicker. (but not everything)
Hyperthreading has specific use cases where it is EXTREMELY beneficial, and other times detrimental to a degree.

Anonymous 0 Comments

http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+cpu+multithreading%2F+how+does+it+benefit+me (Multithreading allows the execution of multiple parts of a program at the same time. These parts are known as threads and are lightweight processes available within the process. So multithreading leads to maximum utilization of the CPU by multitasking.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

It benefits processes that have more tasks. So your average Netflix binging would not see anything, but you 4k rtx Minecraft world would

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone commented this awhile ago and it stuck in my head. Hyperthreading is just like giving a worker 2 conveyor belts to complete said task instead of waiting on materials coming down one conveyor belt and just standing there waiting for the next. It benefits you by your processor completing tasks faster, which gives more performance.