What is CPU hyperthreading/multithreading and how does it benefit me?


What is CPU hyperthreading/multithreading and how does it benefit me?

In: Technology

5 Answers

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Think of a CPU having roads. Each core is simply a 1 way road with constant traffic.

For example, we have a 4 core CPU so 4 single lane roads for traffic to travel down. The more cores you have, the faster the cars can keep moving. Now add hyperthreading to those cores (roads) your roads turn into two way roads, so now we have 8 lanes of traffic. This increases throughput of traffic!

In the very simplest of explanations, it helps you do things quicker. (but not everything)
Hyperthreading has specific use cases where it is EXTREMELY beneficial, and other times detrimental to a degree.

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