What is Critical Thinking


What is Critical Thinking

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69 Answers

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I want you to listen to this sentence.

‘The sky is blue’

Now, Instead of just believing me on what seems like a fairly normal fact.

You decide to ask yourself, why is the sky blue?

And so you take a step back from your own perspective. Because obviously when you see the sky you also see blue but that doesn’t prove it.

So you read a book, and then search a trustworthy peer reveiwed scientific article, and maybe watch a thing or two about how light prisms work and it’s reflectors and the sun etc.

And now, because you thought critically, you now know for sure the sky is blue.

Now. Apply this concept to anything political, seemingly scientific, or morally standardized.

Start with Why, How, Who. Just don’t take the first answer someone gives you, nor your own answer that you perceive.

Critical thinking it the process of asking that extra question, and then doing research through trusted sources to arrive at as close to the object truth as possible.

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