What is determinism?


What is determinism?

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7 Answers

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Determinism is the idea that the world is predetermined. Via scientific means or through the will of God.

In classical science something only happens if something happened before hand to make it happen. Something only moves if it was pushed on by something else and if I were to push it again I would get the same result again. This seems to be true for all ‘stuff’ in the universe except for living being who have this magical property called ‘free will’. But if our brains are made of the same stuff as everything else then logically we should conclude that they too would be predictable systems. We don’t just decide things for ourselves we decide them based of our past experiences, and that all things that happen today are and result of things that happened yesterday and you have an unbroken chain of cause and effect going all the way back to the starting conditions of the big bang.

And this may be true but at the end of the day it means very little to you as the individual. So your fate is predetermined, where does that leave you? Any attempt to prove it wrong is futile. So you may as well just live your life and try to enjoy it.

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