Well I always think the way we think of disabilities can run both ways. We tend to think of the person as disabled, that they can’t do something because they have this ‘disability’. I only have two arms, but that’s ok because the world is designed around people having two arms, nobody is designing cars or houses for people who have three. You can look at it that the person is disabled, or alternatively that the environment is not set up for their needs, the second way of looking at it we can change.
A disability is a challenge someone faces that the majority of people do not. Those challenges may be physical such as blindness or missing a hand, or cognitive such as dyslexia.
They can be mild and not noticeable to others or very obvious and any where in between. If a person has full function of all body parts and systems they would not be considered disabled. If they lose function for a short time they would be temporarily disabled, long term is permanently disabled.
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