This is not a direct answer, but a recommendation. Can you ask the professional that diagnosed you in the first place? They should have made it clear for you to understand.
If not, I would recommend going to another professional for a second opinion. Psychological diagnoses can be very subjective, so a second opinion can be very helpful and reassuring.
As someone who is nothing close to an expert on the subject, as i understand it: it’s a coping mechanism for the brain to deal with severe early childhood trauma. The brain will separate into multiple “alters” or “alternate personalities” and put up amnesia barriers between each of them to compartmentalize and deal with the memory of the trauma. The result is basically multiple real and complete people who all share the same body.
I got super interested in the subject during the pandemic when i stumbled upon the DissociaDID YouTube channel. Watch their videos and take their word over mine if you want to learn more.
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