: What is DNSCrypt?


How it is different from changing DNS and the Cloudfare and WARP app.

My PC had some DNS issue and my net only worked with WARP app but it gave really slow speed.

That is until I came across Simple DNSCrypt which fixed my issue. So what exactly it is and what does it do?

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While I can’t speak to why this solved your problems, I can speak to what DNSCrypt is.

When you type in a URL – like www.reddit.com – you query the internet’s equivalent of the phone book – the DNS servers – to learn what IP address houses the Reddit servers. From there, your computer connects to that IP and gets the website.

Problem is that the DNS is fairly old technology and was implemented back before anything was encrypted. This means that the DNS query is sent over the internet in plain-text. Anyone along the chain can intercept it and see what websites you are trying to visit. More malicious actors can even impersonate the DNS and send you the _wrong_ IP address, diverting you to a fraudulent website.

DNScrypt encrypts your traffic when making DNS querries. No one along the route can see what queries you are making, and no one can inject fake results into the query return. This increases overall security and privacy using the internet.