What is economic growth and how does it create more money?


What is economic growth and how does it create more money?

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3 Answers

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Economic growth is not always the *creation* of more money but the creation of more goods and services, allowing for more *movement* of money. Keep in mind, the same dollar can be spent more than once by more than one person, so having more dollars is not the only way for more people to have money and get the things they need or want.

When you have a job and get paid a good wage, you will spend that money not only on necessities but also “extras” or luxuries like newer or better clothes, vehicles, high speed internet, smartphone, or computer. All those companies have their own workers who get paid too, then they spend money themselves, possibly at the company where you work – which allows you to keep receiving your wage so you can buy the things you want and need.

In a healthy economy money always moves so each dollar is spent *many* times. In an unhealthy economy maybe you are worried you would lose your job, so you decide not to buy a new phone this year, so the people who make phones are now worried *they* could lose their jobs, but this means your company has fewer customers and you are more likely to lose your job… when everybody is more cautious and spends less, the movement of money slows so the same number of dollars are not being put to work to actually get people the things they want and need.

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