What is Free Masonry?

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Are these wizards or Mormon adjacent? Or?

In: Other

5 Answers

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No, they have been around a lot longer than Mormons and aren’t a religion either. They started as a guild for literal stone masons and workers, builders, etc. It developed into a fraternal organization more recently. They have rituals, levels of rank, etc. These days they do charity and public service like other groups such as the Elks, Moose, etc.

The thing about them is, from talking to some members, membership is dying as younger folks aren’t joining up and you have to be offered membership by a Mason. It requires a lot of free time.

My Grandfather was a member. He worked for the Army Corps of Engineers and I didn’t even know about it until after he passed and we were going through his things and found a lot of Mason trinkets and other things.

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