What is Free Masonry?

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Are these wizards or Mormon adjacent? Or?

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5 Answers

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>Are these wizards or Mormon adjacent? Or?

Neither. It is merely a fraternity where good men go to become better men. They use ritual and allegory to teach morality lessons while supporting each other. All the “secrets” of Freemasonry are available online and they are probably the least important part. If I visit another lodge, they will be more concerned with whether my dues card is in order than whether I can remember all the “secrets”.

Why do people think freemasons are wizards or related to Mormonism? Because various groups have co-opted Masonic style ritual and garb. The Order of the Golden Dawn, probably the most famous magical society in 200 years, was influenced by Freemasonry. Joseph Smith was a Mason, and he used Masonic themes when creating Mormon ritual.

It’s not black magic, it’s not a cult, it isn’t devil worship, it isn’t even anti-Catholic despite the Catholic Church hating Masonry.

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