What is globalization? Doesn’t necessarily have to be about economics


I cannot really find a good definition that I can comprehend, so please, ELI5

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4 Answers

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Instead of sourcing everything locally, you source everything from where it is cheapest and you have access to everything from around the world. Playstation and Nintendo are Japanese products, yet you can use them.
But coming back to point one, the journey of your trousers is a great example of globalization. The cotton is picked in India, from where it is moved to China, where they make yarn out of it. The yarn is moved to Taiwan, where it is dyed blue. The blue dyed yarn is moved go poland where the yarn is woven to fabric. The fabric is moved to the philipines where they cut and sew the jeans. The idea for the style comes from sweden, a french company writes the little labels how to wash the jeans. And to get the used look the jeans is sent to Greece where they wash it with pumice. And then the jeans finally moves to your clothing store.

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