What is graphene and why is it becoming a buzzword recently (mostly in the world of investments but not only)?


What is graphene and why is it becoming a buzzword recently (mostly in the world of investments but not only)?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Graphene is material composed of carbon atoms layed in a sheet of hexagonal forms. It was first observed in 1962 but wasn’t really known back then. In 2004 it was rediscovered and isolated and since then a lot of companies were trying to develop capabilities to synthesise it in a profitable manner.

Its overall a very light, very stable, very strong material, with high thermal and eletric condutivity.

It has a potential to be utilized in many aplications that require a material like this, from space ship fuselage to artificial organ fabrication to eletric wind mill blades.

The company that manages to develop a way to mass produce it, stands to win billions

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