What is heavy water?

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what does it feel like? why is it heavy? how is it heavy? and how is it related to nuclear energy?

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Heavy water (deuterium oxide, 2H2O, D2O) is a form of water whose hydrogen atoms are all deuterium (2H or D, also known as heavy hydrogen) rather than the common hydrogen-1 isotope (1H, also called protium) that makes up most of the hydrogen in normal water. It has a density about 10% greater than water but is otherwise physically and chemically similar to regular H2O.
Heavy water affects biological systems by altering enzymes, hydrogen bonds, and cell division in animals, plants etc. It can be lethal to multicellular organisms at concentrations over 50%

Heavy water is a neutron moderator or a medium that reduces the speed of fast neutrons, ideally without capturing any, leaving them as thermal neutrons with only minimal (thermal) kinetic energy. These thermal neutrons are immensely more susceptible than fast neutrons to propagate a nuclear chain reaction of uranium-235 or other fissile isotope by colliding with their atomic nucleus.