What is HIIT training and how does it apply to bodybuilding?


What is HIIT training and how does it apply to bodybuilding?

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High Intensity Interval Training. It is relatively short bursts of high intensity cardio(high HR- 80 to 90% max HR) followed by periods of low intensity or rest(less than 60% max HR) so instead of jumping on a treadmill and running for 30 minutes you alternate sprinting and walking. Say 1 minutes of running then 2 minutes of walking, then repeated 8 to 10 times.

The claim is that prolonged cardio prevents or reverses muscle growth as it is consumed for energy. While HIIT supposedly uses quick sources of energy like fat. I dont know how true this is, but will say if you look at long distance runners they are usually skinny.

Edit: apparently assuming you dont lift and don’t eat properly it can be true, but if you also lift and eat right it’s not an issue.

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