What is Human Genome Project in Technology? Why does it exist?


What is Human Genome Project in Technology? Why does it exist?

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The purpose of the human genome project was to sequence the entire human genome. A genome total genetic material in a living organism, basically all their DNA. DNA, as you may know, is a molecule code that is written in a sequence of 4 letters (A, C, T, & G). In humans there are about 3.6 billion of these letters comprising our DNA, which is in every single cell in your body. So the goal was to read your genes, and be able to say “here are those 3.6 billion letters, in order.”

So what is the purpose of that? There are many benefits to this knowledge, some of which are still coming in the future. But, it allows us to better understand our genes and how they influence humans development, behavior, and diseases. It will help us to do things like saying “this gene plays a role in this disease, so here’s a new way we can treat that disease.” It will also help us to do things like say “You have this gene, which increases your risk for certain cancers, so we need to do cancer screening more often with you.” There are mnay, many other benefits, but those are just a few that are easy to understand.