what is imperialism?


what is imperialism?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Expanding the power of one’s country (creating an empire), without necessarily extending its borders, and generally not giving the people who live in the other areas the same rights as citizens. There can be territories or colonies that are considered a part of that country, or you can just have a lot of control over the other territory’s economy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imperialism = moving into someone else’s country, then calling it your country.

Example: Spain practiced imperialism when they came to Mexico and established colonies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imperialism is a system where one state or nation controls the political, economic, and/or cultural life of another. It’s often done through military force and coercion, although sometimes it can be more subtle, like when a powerful country uses its economic might to influence another.

European nations were the most active imperialists from about 1870 until 1914. That’s when they carved up much of Africa and Asia into colonial empires. But even after that era ended, imperialism didn’t go away completely—the United States has been accused of practicing it in Latin America and elsewhere.