What is indemnification? What does it mean when one party indemnifies the other?


What is indemnification? What does it mean when one party indemnifies the other?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To indemnify someone means you will never allow them to incur damage. That’s damage in the legal sense, meaning fines or legal responsibilities.

The “demn” in “indemnify” is the same as in “condemn”, and both are directly related to the curse word “damn”. The latter of which in its strictest sense means to condemn something in some way. In biblical contexts it often means sending someone’s immortal soul to hell, but it can mean being condemned with any undesirable fate, like being “damned to 10 years in prison” or “damned to pay a $50,000 fine”.

Therefore, you can roughly think of “indemnify” as “in-damn-ify”, i.e. “make something impervious to damnation”. If you can think of ways that someone can be “condemned” in a court of law, “indemnification” would be protection from most of those.

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