what is instinct, not like what it is but how do animals know what to do and how does it get passed even if they never meet their parents 275 viewsJanuary 1, 2024 Question100.55K January 16, 2023 0 Comments what is instinct, not like what it is but how do animals know what to do and how does it get passed even if they never meet their parents In: 1 4 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted January 16, 2023 0 Comments Instincts are truly amazing, such as some of the nests birds build. The tailorbird actually will sew leaves together using grass as a thread. How does DNA wire the brain to know how to do that? We still have a lot to learn. You are viewing 1 out of 4 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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