So there are seven notes: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti and then the octave is completed with the next “Do” (I’ll annotate that as Do! To show it is high)
A key tells you what note is “Do” so, in the key of C-major, it is C-D-E-F-G-A-B, while the key of G the notes are G-A-B-C-D-E-F#
The reason you need to transpose between instruments is that if a song is written in “C” but your lute is tuned in “G” you can’t really play it correctly.
So, basically, you treat it like a unit conversion. The music is written in imperial units (C-Major) but your lute is in metric units (G-Major) so you convert the E-D-C of the song to Mi-Re-Do and then over to B-A-G.
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