What is inter symbol interference?


What is inter symbol interference?

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2 Answers

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First, the words, “inter” and “symbol”. “Inter” means “between two of…” (as opposed to “intra” which means “within one”). “symbol” is a generic way for the individual elements of some communication. Those may be letters in written communication or words in spoken communication.

So “intra symbol interference” means that there is interference between elements of some communication that should be distinct. Something like writing on a napkin where the ink of one letter runs into the ink of another letter, or when talking in a room with an echo, where the words run into each other.

The latter is a pretty good example, as echo is one of the major issues in electronic communication. No matter if it’s a copper wire or an optical fibre, there will be echo from the sides, the ends, every connection and so on.

That’s the “layman level”, for a deeper dive, see yalloc’s answer.

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