What is Irony?


What is Irony?

In: 5

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You want to say something and you express that something with words, that would normally mean the opposite of that something. Let’s take an example;

You want your friend to stop singing, because he has a terrible voice. Instead of saying “please stop singing!” You say “yeah, please keep singing, you have a wonderful voice!” And hope he get’s it. If not, you can use body language to strengthen the dramatic effect, so as to make it really obvious that you mean that he should stop singing.

In this example we use the sarcasm definition of irony. Nowadays irony can also mean “opposition of meaning and action”

“Stop writing long explanations in ELI5” would be ironic to writr, because I am indeed writing long explanations here but mean to stop doing thst by further extending the length of my explanation… that’s ironic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bender : “The use of words expressing something other than their literal intention.” / Now that *is* irony!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Irony is when something happens that is the opposite of what is expected. It can be funny, but it can also be tragic. Sarcasm, where the real meaning is the opposite of the surface meaning, can be a type of verbal irony, but it’s not the only type of verbal irony.

In dramatic irony the audience knows what to expect, but the characters on stage do not. Thus the audience knows Juliet took a sleeping potion and isn’t really dead when Romeo discovers her lifeless body, but Romeo does not and kills himself.

Another example of irony that’s less tragic is a child who acts badly to get desert, but is denied desert because he acted badly. Acting badly produces exactly the opposite of the expected result.

Irony is not the same as coincidence. Some people avoid using the word because it is so often misunderstood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like rain, on your wedding day. A free ride, when you’ve already paid. It’s some good advice, that you just didn’t take…. Per Alannis Morissette.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An opposite difference between expectations and outcomes. If you hired a wedding planner and they fucked your fiancé and that canceled your wedding- that would be quite ironic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Read The Gift of the Magi. A short story by O. Henry. Young married couple at Christmas time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Irony is the unwanted or ill-timed arrival of an event or set of circumstances that would otherwise be desirable.

Example: if you’re dying of thirst and you get hit by a truck, that’s tragedy. If you’re dying of thirst and you get hit by a truck carrying water, that’s irony.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Irony is like this:

John Doe wanted to save money so attempted to fix the plumbing in his home by himself rather than call a plumber. The result was he flooded the whole house, still had to call a plumber and also someone to tear up the carpet and floors and replace it all. That’s ironic.

Sarcasm and irony are not the same as a lot of people here seem to be thinking and saying. Hell the whole point of sarcasm is that everyone knows exactly what you mean when you say the opposite. And sarcasm does not have to be cruel or cutting it can be a great way to lighten someone’s mood, show you understand and offer support as well.

My car broke down in the middle of nowhere and my dad showed up and said with a smile “Looks like you’re having good day!” That helped me laugh at how shitty the situation was.