What is it about water that makes it so critical to life? What are those hydrogen and oxygen atoms doing?


I understand that all life needs it (mostly), but scientifically, what is it about such a simple molecule that makes it so important?

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6 Answers

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Water has several properties that make it, perhaps not critical to life (we only have a few planets as a sample size after all, and the universe is… well… big). But it makes it very convenient for life to occur.

– Water is a great thermal battery. It can carry, store and move a lot of thermal energy. It provides cooling through evaporation (panting and sweating), which is critical for larger organisms that otherwise would not be able to regulate their core body heat
– Water is a great solvant. All kinds of chemicals will readily dissolve in water and be transported.
– Water is a great medium to be in. It will block a lot of harmful radiation, so fragile developing life can more easily grow in oceans.
– Water is abundant. It’s a combination of two common elements.

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