What is late stage capitalism?


Also termed late capitalism

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12 Answers

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Late-stage capitalism is like a situation where a few dogs have a lot of treats, while many other dogs have very few. The dogs with more treats might take advantage of those with less, making them work harder for fewer treats. Over time, this leads to wealth inequality, where some dogs have lots of treats, while many others have very few.

This situation can lead to issues like overconsumption, where dogs with lots of treats consume more than they need, leaving less for others. It can also lead to alienation, where dogs feel disconnected from their work or community because the focus is on accumulating treats rather than social connections and well-being.

Late-stage capitalism is a term used to describe a more advanced phase of capitalism where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority struggle to meet their basic needs. It highlights the problems that arise when a society becomes more focused on accumulating wealth and competition.

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