What is meant by ‘good acoustics’? What makes some spaces carry sound so well, that a person doesn’t need to speak or sing very loudly to be heard way back?


What is meant by ‘good acoustics’? What makes some spaces carry sound so well, that a person doesn’t need to speak or sing very loudly to be heard way back?

In: 45

7 Answers

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Imagine a flat wall in front of you. When you clap your hands the sound emits from your hands, reflects directly off the wall and you hear an immediate sharp echo after.

Now imagine a wall with lots of deep cracks, crevices and curves. When you clap your hands the sound comes out and bounces off the wall but this time the uneven wall causes the sound to reflect in a more random way. Some parts of the wall reflect the sound directly back like the flat wall but other parts bounce the sound around and it doesn’t make it back to your ears until a little bit later.

Good acoustics typically tries to minimise the direct echo and stretch it out over time, making it sound more pleasant.

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