What is meant by the term neo-con?


Is this a legitimate term? I have heard this used in a number of ways and can’t determine if the term is a pejorative or a legitimate unbiased term. Is it always applied to a left versus right spectrum?

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3 Answers

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Neo-con, is short for neo-conservative. It’s a legitimate term

During the 1960s, there was major shift in US politics. Neo-cons grew out of a portion of (what we’d now call) centrist-liberals who supported civil rights, but felt social programs like the President Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” (which for example created Medicare and Medicaid) went too far. They also disagreed with movements that sought to ease the Cold War.

Neo-cons are mostly known for being very “hawkish” in foreign policy. Meaning they favor military intervention. George W. Bush is usually used as an example of a neo-con.

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