What is ‘median follow up’ for a cancer research paper?


I am trying to reach a research article about a new cancer drug, but they keep using the term “median follow up for rPFS” and “median rPFS.” Can anyone explain what they mean and the difference between the two? (rPFS = radiographic progression free survival)

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“Median follow up for rPFS” lacks context. That followup timepoint has to be defined somewhere, i.e. X months/years after some initial measurement or start of a given treatment, etc. Beyond that, “median rPFS” may just be shorthand.

It would be helpful to link the article, to be sure.

E: “median follow up for rPFS” is strange wording, also. “Median rPFS at follow up” would generally make more sense. Besides that, the median is a descriptive statistic similar to the common “average” (mean average) but calculated in a way that reduces the impact of outliers.