What is missing from todays game/movie graphics to look like real life?


I am wondering for a few years now. CGI and game graphics are getting better and better every year, but it’s still not good enough to make it look completely real! Wiy is that? What is missing for my eye to believe that it’s real life?
Even wirh motion capture and whatnot it’s still easy to spot a computer generated person for example.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly because we do not notice good CGI, only bad ones. There is a YouTube channel called Corridor Digital which has many videos on the subject. They also have many fun videos, I highly recommend them.

Rest is that we do not have enough computer power/time to simulate every bloody thing a body can do including but not limited to how it will react when hit by a single rain drop, how bad the T region will look after our main character sweats, etc…

We can do incredibly realistic videos but it will take way too much time and money, so people will either accept good enough photo realistic humans or very good interpretations of aliens, like Thanos. No one complains he is a CGI; apart from being a purple giant, his movements including lips are ultra realistic.

One side bot; according to an article by The Wired published in 2010, average duration to render single frame for Toy Story 3 is around seven hours, and it can take up to thirty nine hours, and let me remind you, one single second contains at least 24 frames.

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