What is missing from todays game/movie graphics to look like real life?


I am wondering for a few years now. CGI and game graphics are getting better and better every year, but it’s still not good enough to make it look completely real! Wiy is that? What is missing for my eye to believe that it’s real life?
Even wirh motion capture and whatnot it’s still easy to spot a computer generated person for example.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of it boils down to processing power.

Movies have a luxury that video games don’t in that they can take more than a small fraction of a second to render a frame, but even that has limits. Movie-quality renders take many hours to do one frame. If you take a render farm with about 1200 computers, you’ll likely still get less than one minute of film per day. You’ll spend about four months just rendering. And that’s at the quality levels we have now. Getting more computers would cost a lot, and time is finite, so while they technically could do better, it wouldn’t be financially feasible.

Video games have to render frames **a lot** faster, so they need to sacrifice a lot more quality. The hi-res cutscenes are pre-rendered and simply played back like a movie, but gameplay renders in real-time, so it’s lower quality.

We’ll need computers that are far faster and more powerful to get the realistic graphics.

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