What is missing from todays game/movie graphics to look like real life?


I am wondering for a few years now. CGI and game graphics are getting better and better every year, but it’s still not good enough to make it look completely real! Wiy is that? What is missing for my eye to believe that it’s real life?
Even wirh motion capture and whatnot it’s still easy to spot a computer generated person for example.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Games and movies aren’t exactly *trying* to recreate real life perfectly. The recent Lion King remake, while billed as “live action”, had lots of elements of unrealism in it. Lighting was super unrealistic, colors were oversaturated, characters were backlit no matter what lighting conditions were present to make them more visible. A more general example is that military explosives in real life have really no flame, and are only visible as a shock wave and dust, whereas every single explosion in a movie is a big fireball.

Movies and games intentionally deviate from reality to a) make things more impressive than real life, b) make things more visually readable to an audience, and/or c) reproduce things that the audience expects, even if the audience doesn’t know its not realistic.

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