What is missing from todays game/movie graphics to look like real life?


I am wondering for a few years now. CGI and game graphics are getting better and better every year, but it’s still not good enough to make it look completely real! Wiy is that? What is missing for my eye to believe that it’s real life?
Even wirh motion capture and whatnot it’s still easy to spot a computer generated person for example.

In: Technology

6 Answers

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There’s no (current) way to recreate all of the microexpressions that human faces have. Those microexpressions are what humans use to determine the intent of others.
There are plenty of still frames of virtual faces that are hard to tell apart from real humans (check out This Person Does Not Exist. Com). But once they are put in motion, you would never be fooled. Technology is catching up quickly though, think about deep fakes.

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