What is MLM?


What is MLM?

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5 Answers

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Men loving men – Gay and bisexual dudes

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism – A Communist sub-ideology, consisting of Mao’s Zedong’s ideological innovations on the basic ideology of Marxism-Leninism that Stalin promoted. Puts more emphasis on the rural peasantry than traditional Marxism which focuses entirely on the industrial proletariat.

Multi-level-marketing – A type of pyramid scheme that involves salesmen both selling a product as well as trying to recruit more salesmen by selling *them* the product and telling them they can make money by selling the product to yet another person. It’s sold as a legitimate “business” opportunity, but in reality it’s a scam. There’s barely any consumers buying these products to actually use them. It’s mostly just salesmen selling the products down the line to other salesmen. The vast majority of these people make no profit, indeed they lose almost all of their initial “investment”.

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