What is MLM?


What is MLM?

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5 Answers

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Men Loving Men is one definition. Another way to describe homosexual male relations, without necessarily saying gay, as there are some men who really don’t like that word, even if other people would consider it accurate.

But I think you might be meaning Multi-Level Marketing. Here’s an example.

Alice: “Want to make tons of money? Pay me $500 and you get to join ExampleCo and sell ExampleCo merchandise!”

Betty: “That sounds good. How do you make money doing this?”

Alice: “You can make some money by selling ExampleCo merchandise, but the real money is in doing what I just did, getting people to pay me to join ExampleCo. I get a bonus for everyone I recruit!”

Betty: “Okay, but you’ve already asked all my friends. It will be really hard for me to find enough new people to join ExampleCo for me to make a lot of money that way!”

Alice: “Not my problem. I got here at the beginning, so I already made my money and don’t care if you don’t. But still, you can sell the products. They aren’t awful.”

Betty: “I guess, but I am still competing with everyone else selling them right?”

Alice: “Sure, but if you work really really hard, you’ll do fine. Now go out there and sell Examples!”

It’s basically a legal form of a pyramid scheme, where you work hard to get people to join an organization and pay you for the privilege of joining, but they can also make money by selling a product, even if the main focus of the organization is to recruit new people instead.

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