What is modular scale?


In modern typography, modular scale is used a lot to make typefaces look harmonious and succinct. What is the explanation for what modular scale actually is, at its core? Like just numbers?

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In the olden days, type only came in certain sizes because humans had to design each size and humans are expensive.

Then computers came along and people said “My algorithm can make the font any size you want”, so you can get Times in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10 … . But, just because you **can** have any font size you can imagine, **should you**?

Modular scale is an attempt to return to a rational system of font sizes. This means using fewer of them and picking them more thoughtfully. The general concept is that each step “bigger” should be the same percentage bigger than the previous size.

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