What is “Partygate” and why does it matter so much?


I know very little of UK politics, but I like to read The Guardian and Partygate looks like this huge scandal. Wasn’t it just that Boris Johnson attended a party during the pandemic? Why is it such a big deal that it’s causing all sorts of political drama?

In: 9

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Boris violated his own Governments restrictions to attend multiple parties and then lied about it.

You’re in the middle of the worst pandemic of the past 100 years and your Government is enforcing some of the most draconian restrictions in recent history.

People are having to say goodbye to their own loved ones over video chat. People are protesting restrictions, some are getting arrested and fined for violating them but all the while the leader of the Government who is supposed to be enforcing these rules and being an example to everyone is actually flagrantly ignoring the rules.

It looks very very bad

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