What is “Partygate” and why does it matter so much?


I know very little of UK politics, but I like to read The Guardian and Partygate looks like this huge scandal. Wasn’t it just that Boris Johnson attended a party during the pandemic? Why is it such a big deal that it’s causing all sorts of political drama?

In: 9

12 Answers

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Originally and on the face of it it was just a party (actually many parties) during lockdown, which was worthy of paying fines for, and which people got angry about as he was the one telling everyone to follow the rules and then breaking them half the evenings himself.

The scandal comes more from consistently lying about it, as well as a bunch of other scandals that happened around the same time (taking money from dodgy people, pardoning and sweeping sexual harassment claims from his friends and colleagues under the rug, among others), which have all got mixed in together under the same heading.

The stuff this week is specifically about being found guilty of lying about things related to these scandals in parliament, which is generally considered pretty serious by the judges (a bit like perjury or lying in court generally has serious sentence as well, no matter what it is about).

In general there is no single one large scandal, it is more of a “straw that broke the camels back” sort of situation, where the sheer number of small to mid sized scandals meant everyone eventually just got sick of the constant lies.

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