what is physiologically happening when my brain feels “heavy” at the end of a long, busy work day?


what is physiologically happening when my brain feels “heavy” at the end of a long, busy work day?

In: 1026

7 Answers

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When you feel “heavy” at the end of a long, busy work day, it could be because your brain is tired. The brain is an organ that works very hard all day long, helping you think, remember things, and make decisions. When you have had a long, busy day, your brain might be feeling drained and overwhelmed, which can cause you to feel tired and heavy.

One reason your brain might feel heavy is because it has used up a lot of energy. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and glucose (a type of sugar) to function properly, and when you are working hard, your brain uses up these energy sources more quickly. When you have been working hard for a long time, your brain might not have enough energy left to function as efficiently as usual, which can cause you to feel tired and heavy.

Another reason your brain might feel heavy is because it is processing a lot of information. The brain is constantly taking in new information and trying to make sense of it, and when you have had a long, busy day, your brain might be trying to process more information than it can handle. This can cause you to feel overwhelmed and tired, and might make it difficult for you to concentrate or think clearly.

If you are feeling heavy at the end of a long, busy work day, it is a good idea to give your brain a rest by taking a break, getting some sleep, or doing something relaxing. This will give your brain a chance to recharge and recover, so that it can be ready to work hard again tomorrow.

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