What is priming in psychology and how is it different from learning?


When it’s unconscious, I can see how priming effect works in comparison, but how is explicit priming different from normal learning?

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3 Answers

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Priming is a type of implicit memory.

Implicit memory is a memory that is suggested (implied) but not plainly expressed, as illustrated in the things that people do but do not state clearly; also called nondeclarative memory

Priming is the activation of specific associations in memory, often due to repetition and without conscious effort to access the memory (i.e., You don’t need to remember the vocalizations associated with the alphabet consciously).

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour, capabilities, or knowledge that results from practice or experience.

So priming may be categorized as a type of learning. Still, it differs from traditional assumptions or learning being semantic memory (i.e., Being able to tell a random fact like “The capital of Canada is Ottawa”).

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