What is Project 2025 and what does it aim to change about America

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What is Project 2025 and what does it aim to change about America

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The Trump administration were caught by surprise when they won the election in 2016. There are thousands of leadership positions needed to fill and a very concise plan if you ever hope to accomplish things. Trump made no preparation before taking office. So most positions were not filled until the end of the administration and even then a lot of them had people unfitted for the job. Trump had a habit of just pointing to random people and appointing them to high ranking government positions. So naturally the Trump administration did not work efficiently and were hardly able to do any of the things they wanted.

When Trump lost the 2020 election the politicians and bureaucrats of his administration who were competent and had just started to be able to work together started planning for 2025. They have for the past four years schemed to put together comprehensive policies, finding conservatives to put in each government leadership position, working with the Republicans in Congress and supreme court, etc. This is Project 2025 and includes things like cutting social welfare, cutting taxes for the rich, spend more money on government contracts, cutting government utilities like mail, weather reporting, research, transportation and the IRS.

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