What is protein exacly and what is the use


I know that (explained like you’re five) carbs are the fuel we use for energy. And fat is somewhat the “emergency” fuel. But what is protetin? What’s the purpose of protein? Why do people who want to bulk eat a bunch if protein?

In: 5

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are correct about those being the three main macronutrients. This is all pretty simplistic, but it should give you a basic idea of how they are used.

Carbs and fats are equally used as fuel. Fats are better for long term fuel, because carbs are used up pretty quickly.

Proteins get broken down into amino acids, and these are used to make everything in your body. They get built into new proteins, and are used from everything from starting chemical processes, helping cells communicate, transporting things in the body, building new cells, etc. They can also be used as an energy source if needed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Proteins are little machines that actually do stuff. If carbs and fats are fuel, then the engine that actually burns that fuel is a protein.

The thing that actually pulls out muscles is a protein.

The thing that replicates our DNA is a protein.

Eating protein is basically a way to collect scrap parts to build the machines we need.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Protein is composed of amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of your body. They help with the growth, recovery, and repair of muscles, skin, organs, tissue, immune system, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Proteins do a lot of things. Proteins make up these channels on the membranes of your neurons that allow ions to flow in and out which is the basis for all electrical signaling in your body. You eat a chicken sandwich and those proteins get broken down and repurposed into proteins that your body can use.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Proteins are what make up the structure of your body; each protein you consume is made up amino acids, and your body will break down the proteins into their amino acid bases and then your DNA will put them back together in some useful order. It can be helpful to think of it like lego bricks, you can only disassemble down to a single piece, but you can then use that single piece to make whatever you want that needs that piece – and there aren’t actually that many pieces.

Your DNA is essentially a instruction book for those protein structures; it uses amino acids to build up protein machines, and those machines then do everything from managing cell wall interfaces to making up hormones that signal other cells to do things (like your stomach makes hormones that tell your brain that it’s time to eat food, which you feel as “hunger”)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Proteins are like the building blocks, the Legos that are used to build your body. There are many types of proteins, and they do all kinds of shit. They are made from amino acids and are the basis of life, basically.