what is “pulling g’s”?


For example in Top Gun Maverick when they have to do the high climb, or in Interstellar in the docking scene what’s happening to their bodies. Also what is the difference between postive and negative g’s?

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5 Answers

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G force is the push/pull effect on your body relative to the natural gravitational pull on your body.

Positive g-force is acceleration of your body against gravity’s pull – think about being on a roller coaster going uphill really fast. This is the feeling that your stomach is still at the bottom of the hill but your body is going up.

Negative Gs is the opposite – your body is falling faster then the natural gravitational pull. Now you are at the top of the roller coaster going down – the feeling that your stomach is still at the top while you are moving down rapidly.

The reason this is critical to monitor for pilots and such, as they point out in top gun, is that excessive G forces can cause your blood pressure to drop and your brain to lose oxygen from lack of blood flow. The blood pressure drops, because the pull is so strong that the blood cannot flow properly.

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