what is quicksand?

227 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Honestly as a kid I thought that quicksand would be a way bigger problem in life considering how many TV shows and movies I saw that used it.

But basically, what is it, how is it formed, how common is it, that kind of stuff. I live on the US East coast so (to my knowledge) I’ve never encountered it

In: Planetary Science

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a smelly mucky water/sand/mud/slime mix, into which you can sink, and find it extremely difficult to get out of.

I’d only seen it in the cartoons and only encountered it for real when I was 30-ish.
It was on the bank of a river estuary in Wales. There was a warning sign on the riverbank, but we had walked along the sand bank at low tide and approached from the water-side so didn’t see the sign. I evidently avoided it, but the friend I was with who was a few minutes behind me sunk in one leg halfway up his shin, and there were loads of abandoned shoes and wellyboots in there.

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