what is quicksand?

205 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Honestly as a kid I thought that quicksand would be a way bigger problem in life considering how many TV shows and movies I saw that used it.

But basically, what is it, how is it formed, how common is it, that kind of stuff. I live on the US East coast so (to my knowledge) I’ve never encountered it

In: Planetary Science

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Picture a really deep hole. Now fill that hole with sand. Now pour gallons of water on that sand.

When you step on that hole, your foot falls in a little bit because there is no sturdy ground around you. The sand next to your foot fills in, “submerging” your foot in the sand. This wet sand is sticky due to cohesion and adhesion, so it clings to itself. If you have one foot it one foot out, you will be able to retract your submerged foot no problem. If two feet are in you have an issue. When you try to lift your left foot out, you put all your weight on your right foot, making it seep into the quicksand further. The further in your foot is, the more sand is around and on top of it meaning it will take even more force to pull it out. More force to pull it out means more force on your other foot…. im sure you see the pattern

EDIT: spelling jesus christ

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