What is radiation from nuclear explosions and how/why does it cause cancer?

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What is radiation from nuclear explosions and how/why does it cause cancer?

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4 Answers

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High energy radiation in the form of electrons and gamma waves are small enough to damage part of the DNA in your cells, and since DNA is needed to help your cells multiply, you don’t want damaged cells to multiply, because that’s how you get tumors. Gamma rays have a wave length of 10^-11 meters, which is small enough to fit in a cell, and electrons obviously are too. Alpha particles are just helium nuclei that can be easily blocked with light shielding, but you don’t want it inside of you since it is still ionizing.

Side note: this is why the “5G causes cancer” conspiracy theory is not true. 5G (and all communication signals) use microwave radiation, which is 30cm to 1mm in length, too large to fit in a cell and damage it.

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