What is Rate limiting step in Biochemistry during metabolism?


What is Rate limiting step in Biochemistry during metabolism?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s anything where the process can’t happen any faster.

Imagine you have a back filled with coloured balls and you have to empty all the blue balls as fast as possible. If you have one person doing it that is the rate limiting step. It doesn’t matter if there are 50 balls or 100 you can’t work faster than your maximum speed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s anything where the process can’t happen any faster.

Imagine you have a back filled with coloured balls and you have to empty all the blue balls as fast as possible. If you have one person doing it that is the rate limiting step. It doesn’t matter if there are 50 balls or 100 you can’t work faster than your maximum speed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rate limiting step in biochemistry is the slowest step in a series of metabolic reactions that determines the overall rate of the metabolic pathway. It is the step in which the rate of reaction is the lowest, and therefore, the rate of the entire pathway is limited by this step. The rate limiting step can be affected by different factors, such as enzyme concentrations, substrate concentrations, and temperature.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rate limiting step in biochemistry is the slowest step in a series of metabolic reactions that determines the overall rate of the metabolic pathway. It is the step in which the rate of reaction is the lowest, and therefore, the rate of the entire pathway is limited by this step. The rate limiting step can be affected by different factors, such as enzyme concentrations, substrate concentrations, and temperature.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rate limiting step in biochemistry during metabolism is the slowest step in a series of biochemical reactions that determines the overall rate of the reaction. It is the step where the reaction rate is most affected by a change in the concentration of the reactants. In other words, it is the step that limits the rate at which the reaction can occur.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rate limiting step in biochemistry during metabolism is the slowest step in a series of biochemical reactions that determines the overall rate of the reaction. It is the step where the reaction rate is most affected by a change in the concentration of the reactants. In other words, it is the step that limits the rate at which the reaction can occur.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say that the “biological process” is prepping a newsletter for my garden club and getting it into the mailbox. The process involves: printing the newsletter, stuffing the envelopes and carrying them to the mailbox.

My printer can print 125 copies of the newsletter per minute. I can stuff 10 envelopes per minute, and it takes me 2 minutes to carry a box of 500 envelopes to the mailbox. Printing and taking the envelopes to the mailbox is very fast. However, I can’t get more than 10 envelopes done per minute because that’s as fast as I can stuff them. The speed of the other steps doesn’t matter because the envelope stuffing is slow and limits how many I can get out – the rate limiting step.

It’s the same in biochemistry, if you have a series of chemical reactions, and one is slower than the others, the whole process is slowed down to the speed of the slowest step in the process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say that the “biological process” is prepping a newsletter for my garden club and getting it into the mailbox. The process involves: printing the newsletter, stuffing the envelopes and carrying them to the mailbox.

My printer can print 125 copies of the newsletter per minute. I can stuff 10 envelopes per minute, and it takes me 2 minutes to carry a box of 500 envelopes to the mailbox. Printing and taking the envelopes to the mailbox is very fast. However, I can’t get more than 10 envelopes done per minute because that’s as fast as I can stuff them. The speed of the other steps doesn’t matter because the envelope stuffing is slow and limits how many I can get out – the rate limiting step.

It’s the same in biochemistry, if you have a series of chemical reactions, and one is slower than the others, the whole process is slowed down to the speed of the slowest step in the process.