What is “Russ”, and why is it such a big deal/so expensive in Norway?

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A friend lives in Norway and told me that these parties can go on for an entire month straight, and cost upwards of $100k to do including everything. What exactly is it, and why do people do this?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To celebrate being done with high school and be ready for the adult life.

Tradition went apeshit after entrance of “russ”-merchandise private companies selling shit at outrageous prices: special russ-uniform, “business cards” with funny personal quote, etc.

There is also some competition about having the best russ buss, which is often sprayed with crew specific concept art all over. The buss is modified to have a lounge like long seats, disco lights and absurd sound system.

Prep for this month starts a year prior, these days, and carefully planned. With up to several pre-releases and a release of concept.

The whole tradition got messed up all sideways lately. Buss crews asking underage girls for sexual favours to be able to “roll” with the crew on the buss. Hard drugs being used by 18 year olds and often underage youth as well. Most of them are basically functioning alcoholics for the time period, with rational exceptions of course. There are often cases of rape, with it being filmed and spread on sosial media.

Its fucked up, imho. It wasnt like this. There was alcohol and doing inocent weird pranks on each other, but not like what it is today.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yknow how you have like, individual high school graduation parties? Imagine if instead of individual parties, all of the highschool seniors in a whole town (and their families) threw one giant continuous party starting around final exams and then going on after school ends for a while.

so its not necessarily each individual person partying for weeks straight, but more just none stop parties going on broadly. Plus unlike the USA they can legally buy their own alcohol, so there isn’t anything stopping them.

So its not one single family dropping 100k on a single party, its 1,000 18-19 year olds all spendng 100 bucks each, sometimes more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It really depends on where in the country you are and if you are part of a bus or not.

I used to know someone that rented out sound systems to busses from the Bærum area around 20 years ago.

He charged something like 200 000 dollars for renting the equipment to one bus for 1.5 months. It came with a security guard that made sure the equipment was fine.

Outside of the russ season he rented the equipment out to big concert arenas for bands like Ironmaiden and Rammstein, for a much cheaper price.

Me on the other hand got the outfit, the business cards and some trips, probably spent about 600 dollarish on non alcohol related stuff.