What is salesforce?


It seems like some customer service plug-in or software. Or something like that, however what I don’t understand is if it’s a customer service gizmo what’s the difference of hiring a IT guy who knows what to do than salesforce. I heard anyone can do it so the learning curve isn’t as steep as IT. But is that it?

In: 51

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do you think they have a tower in SF that activists free-climb because it’s a plug -in?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Salesforce is a CRM (Customer relationship manager). Basically is a program that allows you to Keep a list of your customers and track their activity in relation with your company.
Thia can get really complicated really quickly, as the system needs to keep track of payments, deliveries, messaing, history, discounts, subscriptions, keep taps on inventory and payments, and many other activities.

On top of that, salesforce has tools that will enable you to create your custom services like allowing pizza shop customers to select how many pepperoni per slice to put on a pizza.

Actually knowing how to use the system and configure new services requires training and skill, but not nearly as much as it’s needed to develop a similar system from scratch.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some topics you may want to research to get a better understanding.

* The difference between COTS (commercial off the shelf software) vs custom built software
* SalesForce has many different modules, Sales, Service, Marketing, Customer Data, Commerce plus many industry specific solutions (public sector, education, utilities, automotive etc). Each one of these modules solves a particular problem (or set of problems) that typical businesses have.
* SalesForce has many 100000’s of thousands of customers with millions of users that use their software. Like most large enterprise software (like SAP or Oracle), the world would basically stop without it. eg. over 80% of the worlds money is processed by an SAP system. If SAP stopped working, the worlds money could not be processed.
* SalesForce has many flaws, just like any piece of software.

Its clear from your questions and answers you lack some basic understanding of enterprise software and it would be worth doing some research of the above topics.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Salesforce is a tool that makes it easier to run your business and manage all your sales and track your relationships with customers.
it is a big and complicated piece of software that does what many people in large companies used to do , few people understand it completely.

A large company “Salesforce’ has automated this tool and rents it out for smaller companies to have some of the advantages of a large amount of staff but without as much cost.

because this tool is very large and complicated it still needs people to maintain it and configure it , this is why you need IT people to make sure it is working correctly

Anonymous 0 Comments

For reference, I’m currently working for a company that is implementing a SalesForce suite. Our timeline for complete implementation is over a year from now.

OP I would encourage you to start somewhere smaller first if you’re trying to get into what all “IT guys” do. Enterprise level software is extremely complex and not for someone who is just starting out.

Sure, there are some easier out of the box SalesForce products that layman people can use. But to really take advantage of a SalesForce suit, you need dedicated SalesForce trained employees. SalesForce developer is literally a job that companies hire for and people go to school for.

Saying you heard anyone can do it is like saying anyone can make a video game. Yeah you can download some video game software and make something basic with no knowledge, but if you really want to make a good game then it takes years and requires highly skilled people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Salesforce is a software company that sells software for selling things, such as Salesforce software.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One of the features within Salesforce is a TMS (Transportation Management System) to keep track of shipments and the money, revenue, etc. I would like to point out that while the number crunching is great, it’s job of managing freight is fucking horrendous.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I work for a tech integrator and reseller and I use salesforce to keep track of open opportunities and projects we are trying to get signed

It’s got a ton of different tools and stuff, we can check on how much we are selling to who, what our pipeline looks like, compile lists of contacts at our customers and even send out emails to those contacts.

It’s definitely not a replacement for IT people though. It’s just a tool to help keep info and data like paperwork relatively straight so it’s all easy to find and I can tell my boss how much we booked this month and how much we are expecting to book next month

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what I’ve heard from a friend working in Salesforce, it has a bunch of tools that make the learning curve smaller for building custom solutions. There’s a programatic approach and a declarative approach. The former is what conventional programmers do. Type out code commands. The declarative approach is more symbolic, and a feature of salesforce that makes things easier. You drag commands around a flow chart. So you have to understand logically what you’re trying to do, but don’t have to know C++ or whatever to accomplish it. That’s only one part of Salesforce, the programming side. There’s a trailhead on their website where you can pick a path. I really don’t know much about it, but my buddy has been raving for several years about it, and now I’m seeing it every where. I’ve seen it for tracking rent payments, and I’ve also heard about it being used to track document and workflows in law offices with Litify.