What is salesforce?


It seems like some customer service plug-in or software. Or something like that, however what I don’t understand is if it’s a customer service gizmo what’s the difference of hiring a IT guy who knows what to do than salesforce. I heard anyone can do it so the learning curve isn’t as steep as IT. But is that it?

In: 51

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some topics you may want to research to get a better understanding.

* The difference between COTS (commercial off the shelf software) vs custom built software
* SalesForce has many different modules, Sales, Service, Marketing, Customer Data, Commerce plus many industry specific solutions (public sector, education, utilities, automotive etc). Each one of these modules solves a particular problem (or set of problems) that typical businesses have.
* SalesForce has many 100000’s of thousands of customers with millions of users that use their software. Like most large enterprise software (like SAP or Oracle), the world would basically stop without it. eg. over 80% of the worlds money is processed by an SAP system. If SAP stopped working, the worlds money could not be processed.
* SalesForce has many flaws, just like any piece of software.

Its clear from your questions and answers you lack some basic understanding of enterprise software and it would be worth doing some research of the above topics.

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