What is skill based match making? Why’s it so common even though everyone on the internet seems to hate it?


What the title says.

In: 84

15 Answers

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Top voted answer is correct, but wanted to comment on people saying “b-b-b-ut I don’t want to play has good as possible just to have fun!!11! Why do I need to sweat just to tread water? SBMM is bad!!1!!”

So many streamers say this, especially in recent CoD games, saying how they cannot compete without giving 100% effort, and you can even see people in this thread saying this too.

And the answer is always the same. They are saying “I don’t want to have to sweat every single game.”

Answer: “You don’t. You don’t need to sweat. Stop sweating. Why are you trying so hard? Just relax and have fun.”

Then they clarify: No no, what I mean is that I want to relax and also mop the floor with the rest of the lobby.

Please remember this whenever a streamer or anyone says they hate SBMM. They don’t need to sweat every game. They can relax and play a game where the lose a little bit more. The only reason they bitch about it is they want to feel skilled without trying as hard.

“But if I relax, I’ll never get any kills!”
“who cares? Get no kills, who gives a shit? You’re trying to relax. If you want to relax and get lots of kills, play single player! Plenty of bots to shoot at and you can feel gud about your mad skilz.”

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